Chinese Spider Web Turquoise Cabochons
We have just created a great new informational page on
Chinese Spider Web Turquoise Cabochons we believe you will appreciate if you are interested in high quality Turquoise. You can view this page by following this link
Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons! On this page you will find photo examples of
Chinese Spider Web Cabochons and some good factual information that will be good to put in your hat.
Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise
We are creating a large data base on all types of Spiderweb Turquoise and Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons which includes many individual pages on each type of spiderweb Turquoise and ultimately an index that will enable you to become a scholar on this subject. We will also be developing Spiderweb Turquoise and Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochon Videos as well. We have been in the Turquoise Mining, Collecting and Turquoise Stone Cutting for well over forty years and leading authorities in the United States so you can trust that the information coming from our literature is accurate and professional.
We have a large collection of high grade Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise and we cut beautiful Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons for our Jewelry as well as for collectors and other Jewelers to use in their own Jewelry.
Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise
American Turquoise Mining Struggles - In approximately 1985, a vast amount of Spiderweb Turquoise was discovered in the Turquoise dumps in China. For the past several hundred years the Chinese had been discarding what they thought was inferior Turquoise, as sky blue or clear blue Turquoise was what sold throughout Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. American Turquoise Buyers bought tens of thousands of lbs of Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise that was very hard and rich in color from being out of the mines curing in the elements of the earths surface. The original Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise was a hit with American Turquoise Collectors as American Spiderweb Turquoise was expensive and hard to acquire. The early Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise is still today great material if you can find it - in fact, now the Chinese are desperate to get their high grade Spiderweb Turquoise back as they now realize what they gave away! Unfortunately for China, The finest quality Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise is now in the hands of American Turquoise Collectors in the form of Native American Spiderweb Turquoise Jewelry! Read the rest of this story by following the link below.
We invite you to read more about Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise cabochons as well as many other types of Spiderweb Turquoise. Go to
Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons to the index page of our presentation.